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Community XI: Value

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Fantasy Premier League Tips: Value is the big buzzword among the Fantasy Football Community this pre-season.

Given the prominence of premium defenders in recent times, managers are looking to tweak their approach for the Fantasy Premier League 2019/20 season with regard to value.

1. Lego

Legomane has crunched the numbers on player value in the following info graphic. Omitting reclassified players, we can see the points per match in specific target areas demonstrating the all important player value.

2. Prince

The FPL Prince provides an informative Twitter thread detailing his top players for the forthcoming season. 3 premium defenders make up his list of eight players to consider for the Fantasy Premier League tips.

3. Connect

FPL Connect turned their infographic into an article analysing value in the midfield and forward positions. It also helps us to predict potential value of those players who’ve moved position in Fantasy Premier League this season.

4. Hopcroft

Adam moves our attention to goalkeepers for his statistical based analysis. There’s some doubt on starting keepers at Southampton and Crystal Palace but Lloris is getting overlooked!

5. Kenny

Richard from Inferno Six has produced an in-depth value based article which captured the attention of the entire Fantasy Football Community. There’s players to consider here that provide excellent value for money.

6. Partridge

FPL Partridge has produced yet another entertaining video considering one of FPL’s most popular player. Raul Jimenez is going to struggle to provide value following his steep price rise for the 2019/20 FPL season.

7. Depression

FPL Depression has also produced a thread on value, taking into account this years prices and last years points. It’s important to note the anomalies here when considering those value decisions.

8. Andy

Andy from Let’s Talk FPL has all the reaction to the popular value discussion in his latest YouTube video. There’s plenty of high profile Fantasy Premier League players to be in consideration here.

9. Secrets

The team at Fantasy Football Secrets look at the points per million metric to analyse player value. Not one attacking player makes the top 12, with five goalkeepers sitting alongside seven defenders.

10. WGTA

Who Got The Assist also look at points per million but alter their algorithm to strip out the appearance points. Salah makes a high entry point despite his stiff price tag as the most expensive player in the game.

11. Editor

The FPL Editor set out some potential picks in an early pre-season tweet and also considered each position in turn. The discussion certainly got the Fantasy Premier League community talking.
  BEFORE YOU GO… Be sure to check out the rest of our Community XI pre-season series: —> Community XI: FPL Drafts —> Community XI: 11 Players for FPL —> Community XI: Five Man Defence
