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Is now the best time to play your Wildcard chip?

A large number of FPL managers still have their second Wildcard chip to play. With just eight Gameweeks to go until the end of the season managers will be considering when is the best time to play the chip. We take a look at the different options for when the Wildcard could be most effective.

For FPL managers planning for when they will play their Wildcard chips is pivotal. The Wildcard needs to set up the squad for the long term, as well as fitting in alongside the chip strategy. The second Wildcard chip can have a very different impact on FPL teams depending on when it is played. For managers who play their chip in January they will need to use free transfers and hits at the end of the season. This is reversed for managers who hold their Wildcard for later on in the season.

Ahead of the international break we had the announcement of Double Gameweeks 31 and 33. In addition there is a lot speculation about Double Gameweeks in 35, 36 and 37.

For managers deciding when to Wildcard assessing the long term fixtures as well as when they might play other chips is key.

Only a Wildcard chip left

Playing the chip as soon as possible makes sense if it is the only chip managers have remaining. We are now in the position of knowing the next two Double Gameweeks as well as which teams still have fixtures to reschedule.

At this stage managers can plan for the full final eight Gameweeks of the season. They are playing their Wildcard from a place of knowledge. Therefore activating it soon to generate the most potential returns makes the most sense.

Wildcard and a Bench Boost left

For managers still holding their Wildcard and Bench Boost chips playing them close together makes sense. It also makes sense to play the Bench Boost chip sooner as doing that will allow managers to free up money after the chip is played. This could give them a stronger first eleven for the final weeks of the season.

With Double Gameweek 33 having a lot of fixtures as well as very few blanking teams playing the Bench Boost chip there makes sense. This means that bench players can then be downgraded to the cheap playing options, allowing managers to spend more on their team. Options for the post Bench Boost bench are:

  • Brandon Williams £3.9m
  • Daniel Amartey £3.9m
  • Anthony Gordon £4.5m (if not in Wildcard team already as a result of his Double Gameweek)
  • Cucho Hernandez £5.0m

If managers want to Bench Boost win Gameweek 33 then playing the Wildcard now ahead of Gameweek 31 or ahead of Gameweek 32 makes sense. It will enable managers to built a good squad for Gameweek 33 as well as being able to look longer term and plan for the later Gameweeks too.

Wildcard and a Free Hit chip left

Like for managers who only have the Wildcard chip left, it makes sense for managers with the Wildcard and a Free Hit chip left to play it soon. This is because they are in the best place possible in terms of knowledge and extra Gameweeks for the Wildcard to be successful.

The Fantasy Football Scout fixture ticker allows managers to delete Gameweeks. This is perfect for managers playing their Wildcards. Managers can delete the Double Gameweek where they plan to play the Free Hit chip and therefore build the Wildcard team based on the other Gameweeks of the season. If Legomane’s predictions are correct playing the Free Hit in Gameweek 36 looks great.

Wildcard, Bench Boost and Free Hit chip left

For the lucky few managers who find themselves in the position of having three chips left to play in the final eight Gameweeks the potential for returns is huge.

Making sure that there is a carefully constructed plan will be key. As before if Legomane is correct then a planned Free Hit in Gameweek 36 looks promising. This means managers could Wildcard in Gameweek 31 or 32, Bench Boost in Gameweek 33 and Free Hit in 36. Around this managers would then be able to manage key transfers with their free transfers. Managers would also likely be able to avoid hits as their team would be set up with only minor tweaks needed.

Community Chatter

Wolf of FPL has taken to Twitter to discuss his potential Wildcard. He is intending to Bench Boost in Gameweek 36 and Free Hit in Gameweek 33.

FPL News has been sharing Fantasy Football Scouts Burning Questions video where Pras and Sonaldo discuss chip strategy. When to Free Hit, Wildcard and Bench Boost deepening on what you have left to climb the overall ranks.

Wondering what to expect from Gameweek 31? We take a look at the fixtures to help FPL managers make the best decisions.

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