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The Top Picks for UCL Fantasy Matchday 11 are out now!

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Not sure who to captain in UCL Fantasy Matchday 11? Find out here!

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Breaking News Fantasy Football Community

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Welcome to Fantasy Football Community 2.0

Welcome to, a new(ish) site from the Fantasy Football Scout stable that’s aiming to celebrate not only the fantasy games that we love, but also the passion, talent, entertainment, and insight that have sprung up around them.

First things first. Although this site is managed by the Scout team (including Marc and Sam), we are absolutely not looking to create a new version of FFS, which is laser-focused on providing award-winning insights, relevant data, and the core ‘need to know’ information each gameweek. Neither are we going to be taking anything away from that site either – quite the opposite. Instead we’re setting our sights on a wider angle view.

The Grand Plan

As some of you will know, the FFC site was initially launched by Holly Shand, herself a prominent member of the Fantasy community (who will continue her good fantasy works on Twitter, Instagram and beyond and may even pop up here from time to time!). Her initial mission was to aggregate some of the best content and advice from around the wider fantasy football community into one place.

This is also at the core of our plans for the site, we will also be aggregating insights, tips and outlier views into a few regular articles. However, that’s really just the starting point. We also want to use this space to offer a platform for new talent and divergent voices, to celebrate the most interesting, insightful and entertaining community members and to showcase the biggest debates and funniest opinions.

Overall we will try our best to celebrate and support not only FPL and the other awesome games, but the entire culture that comes with being a fantasy manager.

We Need Your Help!

Suffice to say we can’t do that alone. Whilst Marc, Sam and others will be feeding in their views, to truly represent the fantasy football world we need your help. If you’d like to contribute an article (where one off or regular), share an entertaining or brilliant insight you’ve posted or seen on social media or just suggest someone else deserving of recognition and props then please do get in touch via Oh and do follow for our social media accounts – they’re just getting started!

Fantasy Football Community