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Our FPL Challenge Expert drops in to share his Top Picks and Team Reveal for Gameweek 29! Click this link!

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Bayern, Inter, Arsenal, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Aston Villa, PSG and Dortmund through to the next round of Champions League!

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Football Blogging Awards 2018


The Football Blogging Awards are here for 2018 and now it’s time to get behind the community.

The Awards

Nominations have opened this week for the annual Football Blogging Awards 2018. It’s purpose is to recognise and award the BEST football blogs around the world. With unique voting methods the Football Blogging Awards are the only awards designed for football blogs and websites that are 100% voted for by fans. You can find out more about the awards by visiting the website.


Voting operates in two ways. You can cast your vote on Twitter using the relevant hashtag, or by visiting the website and pasting the address of your chosen website or Twitter account. It’s possible to cast a vote on Twitter AND the website, so if you wish to show your support twice, or you’re struggling to decide, there’s some flexibility there. Many or the community are looking for your votes, including ourselves, and it would be amazing for some of us to be finalists, or even win! Now is your opportunity to get behind the community!

Best Gaming Football Content Creator

The Hype Train are looking for nominations in this category. They provide Fantasy Premier League contests, as well as plenty of key statistics for the community to use. To Vote on Twitter: I am voting in @theFBAs for @RealHypeTrain in the category #FBAGaming #FBAs

Best Football Video Content Creator

The nominee in this category is FPL Nymfria. She shares excellent videos to advise the community. To show your support for Nymfria on Twitter use: I am voting in @theFBAs for @NymfriaTV in the category #FBAVIDEO #FBAs

Best Young Football Blogger or Vlogger

Stag’s Take for Rotoworld is a regular feature in our Last Minute Tips articles. Aged 21, Stag qualifies in this youthful category. To show your support for FPL Stag, tweet: I am voting in @theFBAs for @FPLStag in the category #FBAYoungBlogger #FBAs

Best Football Podcast

We have been spoilt for choice this season, with some excellent Fantasy Premier League podcasts and there are FOUR looking for your votes in the awards. To vote for Fantasy Football Surgery on Twitter: I am voting in @theFBAs for @FF_Surgery in the category #FBAPodcast #FBAs To share the love on Twitter for the Always Cheating podcast, post: I am voting in @theFBAs for @hailcheaters in the category #FBAPODCAST #FBAs To cast your vote for the FPL Journal Blog podcast, tweet: I am voting in @theFBAs for @FPLJournalBlog in the category #FBAPODCAST #FBAs Finally, tweet for the Who Got The Assist? podcast with: I am voting in @theFBAs for @WGTA_FPL in the category #FBApodcast #FBAs

Best Social Football Account

In the Best Social Football Account category, there’s FPL Secrets, who produces excellent statistics and graphics of Fantasy Premier League data. To vote, tweet: I am voting in @theFBAs for @FPLSecrets in the category #FBAsocial #FBAs

Best New Football Blog

Finally, Fantasy Football Community are eligibile in the Best New Football Blog, as well as a couple of our favourites at 90MAAT and FPL Connect. To vote for 90MAAT, tweet: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @90MAAT_ in the category #FBANewBlog #FBAs Tweet to show your support for FPL Connect with: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @FPL_Connect in the category #FBANewBlog #FBAs If you’re enjoying the content that we are producing here at Fantasy Football Community, and would like to vote for us you can do so by tweeting: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @FFCommunity_ in the category #FBAnewblog #FBAs Thank you for all of your support in our first six months. Good Luck all of the nominees!
