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Community Tweets: FPL GW8 Injury Woes

The International Break always throws up plenty of injuries for FPL managers to contend with and more yellow flags than you can shake a stick at! We did try to warn you last week! This international break does appear to have been particularly unkind though and many of us will be struggling when we log in to tweak our teams for GW8! We looked at the Lukaku injury earlier this week and you can read more here. We’ve been wondering which premium forwards to choose for our front lines, and now there’s only 3 left standing. Managers will be keeping an eye out for the press conferences ahead of GW8, as there’s a favourable fixture for Morata, Aguero & Lukaku if they do end up fit. As always, Ben Dinnery is the go to source for injury news and you should have his site, Premier Injuries bookmarked! He provided an update on the Fellani news last night, after that early GW8 bandwagon spectacularly derailed! One fifth of managers are going to be disappointed to see that Kante is injured. I was just surprised to see that his ownership was so high, us serious FPL managers know better than to own a defensive midfielder, despite the club they play for!  Some teams have been decimated by the injury news and with wildcards already used by most, serious points hits needed to be taken to repair the damage. The guys at Fantasy Football Fix have shown us the key numbers for those managers who have made an error by jumping the gun early on their GW8 transfers, Dave checks in at the hospital and Chief laments the state of his squad. A word of warning for those on a wildcard: only have one rotation risk in your squad so that a couple of injuries can be easily managed by your bench players. Has your squad been ruined by injuries? Share your problems on Twitter to feature in an upcoming post for the community Tweets section!
