Breaking News Fantasy Football Community

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Breaking News Fantasy Football Community

Winners and Losers from the FPL 2024/25 Bonus Points Changes

Breaking News Fantasy Football Community

Should we Keep or Sell Cole Palmer in FPL? Find out HERE!

Breaking News Fantasy Football Community

Bayern, Inter, Arsenal, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Aston Villa, PSG and Dortmund through to the next round of Champions League!

Breaking News Fantasy Football Community

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Community Content: The Latest FPL podcasts

FPL managers have had a lot of time on their hands during the break, which has meant more time for some incredible podcasts!  The guys at WGTA are on focusing on their wildcard this week. Play Togga provide their take on the injury crisis from the World Cup Qualifiers. The Man City mids are in focus on the Always Cheating FPL Podcast There’s a chance for you to get involved in the next Fanfeud show! There’s a special Limerick from FPLJournal Pop in Pod, the community sends their best wishes to Nymfira at this time. Don’t forget to follow them all on Twitter, and of course subscribe!
